Returning from an expatriate: how to facilitate your reintegration?
The return of an expatriate is a reverse expatriation. Those who return after a long stay abroad face similar challenges to those they experienced es when leaving. Homat, an expert in long-term furniture rental for expatriates, offers you an overview of the steps and formalities to anticipate.
56% of expatriates affected by these difficulties
In the 2022 ExpatCommunication barometer, more than half of the respondents say that it is more difficult to return than to leave. Vous vous êtes bien intégré à votre pays d’accueil. Peut-être avez-vous même surmonté une phase de choc culturel. Dans ce processus, vous avez modifié vos habitudes et oublié une partie des réflexes que vous aviez chez vous.
Let’s take a simple example: you got into the habit of driving on the left side of the road during your expatriation in the United Kingdom. Now you do it without even thinking about it. However, back in France after a long absence, you get into your car and suddenly find yourself disoriented, instinctively looking to take the wheel on the right and drive on the left side. This gesture that seemed so deeply ingrained has been replaced by a new habit, and it now takes you some time to readjust.
This is a bit like what will happen in many areas when you return after a long stay abroad. There is no need to panic, the idea is to prepare for it.
The question of housing
Before returning to France after living abroad, you have to ask yourself the question of housing.
Notice of departure
First of all, you must respect the notices in force in the host country. Inform the owners of your departure and make sure you do things on time and according to the rules.
Plan the logistics of the move
If you have left with your furniture and want to bring it back with you, you can take other steps with other contacts: movers on site and in the country of return.
This is the whole point of the services offered by Homat. The specialist in Furniture for rent offers you the opportunity to rent new furniture or furniture in perfect condition on a short- or long-term basis in a simple, easy, fast and flexible way when you leave or arrive in the country. With apartment or house furniture rental, everything is installed before your arrival and Homat’s furniture is removed before your move arrives.
The accommodation that awaits you
Unless you have a storage unit or a property waiting for you when you return to France after expatriation, you need a new home. La phase de recherche doit commencer dès que possible sachant que vos justificatifs (fiches de paie, quittances de loyer) devront peut-être être traduits pour Compile your tenant file.
Report your departure and arrival
Your departure from the host country and your return from expatriation are of interest to several organizations:
- banks (closing and opening of accounts);
- insurance (end of contracts, new subscription, update of health insurance card, etc.);
- electricity, gas and Internet suppliers;
- tax services;
- mobility (subscriptions to public transport networks, vehicle rental, registration and vehicle registration, etc.);
- the register of citizens established outside the country.
Formalities and the notice periods may vary depending on the country. Check with each organization to find out about the Termination Terms. Pour les séjours plus courts de moins d’un an, il est conseillé de noter ces informations au moment de l’ouverture du contrat afin d’être prêt pour le retour.

Documents to request and keep
Preparing to return to France after expatriation also means making sure you have all the documents and supporting documents that may be useful to you.
All the relevant administrative documents
Some documents obtained on the spot must be kept. They may be useful to you when you return from expatriation to Proof of the payment of rent and local taxes, payment of salaries, insurance coverage, etc.
Information and the health trail
If you have received special care on site, it may also be interesting to have the history of it for the follow-up of your medical file (vaccination, treatment, allergy, etc.).
Changes in marital status
Did you get married, divorced or adopted during your stay abroad? Check that you have done it right transcribe these events on the civil registers before leaving the country. These transcripts are not automatic, it is up to you to request them.
Think about your pets
Our animal friends are not on the registers, and yet you will have to comply with certain formalities if you want to return with your pet adopted abroad.
Access to assistance returning to France after expatriation
Several services can help you return to France after living abroad. This can be the HR department of the company that employs you. These professionals are used to expatriation support and are increasingly aware of the issue of return.
For housing, there are relocation agencies that will relieve you on all the parts of the search/visit and submission of the file. Here too, the Renting furniture for an apartment or house can be a solution to facilitate your return from expatriation. À partir du moment où vous avez un logement sur place, vous pouvez confier à Homat le soin de le meubler avant votre arrivée.